Sunrise is a care and recovery home for residents with mental health, autism and mild learning difficulties. We specialise in intensive rehabilitation to support and guide our residents along the care pathway to lower support or independent living.

Mental Health
We care for patients with all types of Mental Health problems who are ready for recovery (with support) into independent living

Complex Needs
Our residents range from Mental Health issues through to complex needs involving Mental Health, Addiction and Learning Disability

Our speciality is recovery and rehabilitation of Mental Health residents enabling them to have an independent, fulfilling and meaningful life

Sunrise is a care and recovery home for residents with mental health, autism and mild learning difficulties. We specialise in intensive rehabilitation to support and guide our residents along the care pathway to lower support or independent living.
We focus on all aspect of the residents' recovery from mental, physical, social, personal care, family contact and safety, integrating them into society to have a more meaningful and happier life.
Our service has been operating since 2012 and has been very effective with many service users moving along the care pathway to lower and independent living.

Residential Care for Mental Health Recovery
Our approach to recovery and rehabilitation is unique combination of personal recovery with moral treatment and behavioural modification. Our skilled and experience staff are trained in this approach and are highly effective with our residents.
We take clients from all levels from other 24-7 care homes, acute mental health units and hospitals.
We support clients with these conditions:
- Dual Diagnosis
- Dementia
- Bipolar
- Schizophrenia
- Challenging Behaviours
- Personality Disorder
- Complex needs
- Autism
- Mild Learning Disability
- Depression
- Self Harm
Our Ethos for Successful Recovery
- At Sunrise, we are committed to providing excellent level of care and recovery to our clients at all times
- We treat all clients with respect and dignity
- We respect each client's needs is unique and treat them as individuals
- We provide care with choice and kindness
- We go that extra mile when others have given up
- We have innovation and creativity towards our recovery approach
- We work transparently in partnership with all professionals and commissioning teams to achieve optimal recovery outcome of all clients
- We provide a nurturing, caring and non-institutional environment
- We encourage and support clients to a speedy recovery

Professionals who works with us
"Sunrise looks after four service users I work with. All have gained skills within weeks of moving to Sunrise which had not been built in previous placements. This is thanks to the high expectations of staff who all seem very positive to the residents, and excellent link work to local resources"
------- by Consultant Psychiatrist
"Sunrise has set a very high standard for all the care homes in the Borough"
------- by Senior Care Manager
"I leave my clients with you I know I have nothing to worry about"
------- by Care Coordinator in Local Council
"Sunrise has set a very high standard for all the care homes in the Borough"
------- by Senior Care Manager
"I have a very high opinion of the very good work that you do. Thank you for this."
------- by Consultant Psychiatrist
"Promote a recovery approach and very effective at supporting clients with achieving their goals"
------- by Occupational Therapist
"[Rate] Highly - I regard Sunrise as one of the top providers in Greenwich"
------- by Consultant Psychiatrist
Resident's family
"I have seen significant improvement {in my sister} since she moved to Sunrise."
------- by resident's sister
"I am so impressed with what you have been able to achieve - Now you have all brought her back to life"
------- by resident's brother
"The professionalism of Tanya Nguyen's staf and philosophy of Sunrise has made all this possible."
------- by resident's sister
"My sincere thanks go to Tanya and her staff for all that has happened over the last few months"
------- by resident's sister
"Thank you very much for your help in my moving in. I feel really happy now, you make me feel really safe, you buy me nice food and I have started to smile. I wanted to write this letter for you both as I find it hard to say how I feel."
------- letter by resident
We have been operating since 2012 and have had many successful cases of rehabilitation and recovery of our residents, and moving them onto lower supported living or independent living. We will be delighted to discuss and share with you our case studies. Please contact us for details.
Sunrise Mental Health is expanding a company based in South East London. We are looking for staff at all level with strong compassion, caring approach and a great communicator to join our team. There are many benefits including holidays, pension and bonus. There is an excellent career path for the right individual to become a Recovery Manager of your own home.
Please email us at with your cv, home address and contact details.